Science is an amazing subject where children can develop the key skills of curiosity, perseverance, reflecting and thinking! At Culcheth Primary, we aim for science to be as practical as possible, and as meaningful to everyday life as we can. As such, children enjoy science and the opportunities it brings for group work, investigation and knowledge acquisition; children love learning about how the world they live in works.
Throughout our school, children follow the content of the National Curriculum for England, with some additional science across the subjects. Science is taught and enjoyed by children from Foundation up to Year 6.
In addition to our weekly lessons, children are engaged with science through special events and activities. We hold an annual Science Week, incorporating fun and unusual experiments. During Science Week and throughout the year, children enjoy exceptional visits from experts in different aspects of Science. As well as this, children’s Science work is supported and enriched through educational visits to local places and museums such as visiting local parks, the Science Festival held at UCLAN University and many more.