Welcome to Reception's class page
Our Reception children at Culcheth Community Primary school are encouraged to be confident, inquisitive, independent individuals. Children who are not afraid to explore the unknown and seek answers to their endless questions.
Our Children have an indoor room, a covered outdoor learning area and their own gated outdoor area in which they can choose to learn ...
Little Wandle
Please find the Parent Guide to our new Phonics programme below.
Our School Day in Reception...
A Whole Class Phonics Session
Catch-up Phonics Groups
Daily English and Maths Lessons
Mastering Number Sessions
Independent Learning Opportunities Indoors and Outdoors
Directed Challenge Activities
Throughout The Week..
PE Sessions
Guided English and Maths Sessions
Guided Art/Craft Activities
Weekly Yoga Sessions
Endless Speaking and Listening Opportunities
Skills Builder Sessions
Music Sessions
Investigative Activities
Helpful Hints...
Below are some publications to help you understand more about the Early Years framework and outcomes for your child. Please feel free to download and read them. If you have any questions please call school and we will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.
Learning From Home?
Below are some useful websites and you tube clips to help...
'Yoga for Kids' - some really good interactive yoga sessions that are easy to access at home.
'Phonics Play' - some free interactive phonics games linked to Letters and Sounds (try out the 'Phase 2' games).
'BBC Bitesize' - There are some really good Early Years/Reception activities and clips for the children to use.
'Pronouncing phonemes correctly' - These are you tube clips which demonstrate how to pronounce phonemes (letter sounds) correctly.
Moe Jones : YouTube, Exercise workouts for parents and children to do together.
Oak Academy (online) have lots of online learning for Reception/Early years.
I hope that you find these useful, I will continue to add to the list.
Thank you Mrs Smith.
The children will have their reading books changed twice a week on designated days and we would would ask that they bring their reading folder in to school with them each day.
Along with reading books they may also bring home key words on cards that they need to learn or letter sounds that they are struggling with. These will be accompanied with a list of suggested games/activities for you to do with them.
Please can you sign their Reading Diary each time that you read with your child, along with any comments that you wish to make about their efforts/achievements.
In order to give your child the best possible start to their Reading Journey we ask that you read with them at least three times a week for 15 minutes, the time that you invest is invaluable to your child becoming a confident, independent reader and we really appreciate your support.
Beginning at the start of the Spring Term, your child will be set a weekly maths activity to complete within their Maths homework book.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Here is the link to invite you to join our class Dojo.
Many thanks Mrs Smith
During your child's First Half Term at Culcheth...
The children will complete both a statutory and school based 'Baseline Assessment'.
This will enable us to create a comprehensive profile of the exact stages of your child's development and learning so far, and will set out for us the necessary 'Next Steps' in their learning journey.
These assessments will be done alongside activities aimed at settling the children into our Reception class as quickly and smoothly as possible.
We will work hard to develop speaking and listening skills alongside personal and social skills too, in order to give the children as many early, positive learning experiences as possible.
Our Spring Term 1 ...
Our 'Key Texts' throughout this half term are 'Rocketmole' and 'Elmer's Rainbow. Through these texts the children will continue to be given opportunities to develop and apply their phonic knowledge within their independent writing.
The children will continue to develop their understanding of 'full sentences' and correct letter formation.
There will also be lots of opportunities to build upon their vocabulary too.
Within our maths sessions this half term, the children will continue to develop their knowledge of number bonds to 5 and continue to secure their knowledge of numbers up to 10, including, counting, ordering and comparing groups.
The children will also be introduced to the 'Whole/Part' model, as they begin to look at addition to 10.