May I offer you a very warm welcome to our school website. The information that you find here will give you an idea of how we learn together at Culcheth Community Primary School and an insight into what makes our school unique. We are a very happy school, that is always looking for ways to improve and provide the very highest quality of education for our pupils.
Our school motto is 'Where learning is fun!' - Enjoyment, challenge and activity are at the heart of successful learning and we endeavour to achieve this through providing a well planned curriculum which carefully builds on prior learning. We want all of our children to be confident learners who are not afraid to try new things or to learn by sometimes making mistakes.
Every day, children are supported to develop skills and attitudes which help them to increase their resilience and independence. When our pupils leave us, we want them to have a passion for learning, which will stay with them throughout life.
We strongly believe that developing the whole child is essential to ensure that they become well rounded individuals able to thrive in future life. We offer a range of visits, trips, visitors and clubs to enrich our creative curriculum.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office. The very best way to find out more is to come and see us - you will always be made very welcome.
Mrs Dodd