On the 10 October we celebrated World Mental Health Day in school. All of the children and staff wore something yellow as part of the #helloyellow campaign and we had a whole school assembly led by Mrs Gorman and our Wellbeing Warriors. This special day is about coming together to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. We used the book 'Find your Happy' by Emily Coxhead as a whole school resource to encourage all of the children (and staff!) to find their own happy!
On the 10 October we celebrated World Mental Health Day in school. All of the children and staff wore something yellow as part of the #helloyellow campaign and we had a whole school assembly led by Mrs Gorman and our Wellbeing Warriors. This special day is about coming together to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. We used the book 'Find your Happy' by Emily Coxhead as a whole school resource to encourage all of the children (and staff!) to find their own happy!