Welcome to Year 2's Class page.
On here you will find out what topics we are covering in class, your child's daily timetable and other useful information. Keep checking the Class Dojo page too, as we will be uploading what we are doing in class!
Home Reading:
Reading books are changed weekly by Miss McCord, Miss Farrington or myself. Your child should read at least 3 times a week and have their diary signed each time. The children can also access Lexia at home and will be awarded Class Dojo points for reading 3x a week.
PE Days
PE Kits need to be brought into school on a Monday and will be sent home every Friday to be washed over the weekend. They must be in school everyday. Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
Please ensure your child has their water bottle in school everyday as well as a waterproof coat. Water bottles will be sent home on a Friday night to be washed.
Homework is set on a Friday and handed back in the following Friday. If your child cannot hand their homework in please inform Miss Wardle. Homework will consist of Maths Seeds, 30 minutes of Lexia and home reading at least three times a week. Children can also complete TT Rockstars which will benefit them and highly encouraged to improve times tables recall. Spellings will be sent home on a Friday for the children to learn. They will be tested the following week. The spellings will be on the Class Dojo.
Labelling Clothes
Please can we ask that you label your child's jumpers, cardigans and PE kits so that we can identify them.
End of Year Expectations
You can also access the end of year expectations for Year 2 as an attachment at the bottom of this page as well as a copy of our class timetable and overview of our topics for this term.
If you have any questions regarding your child's education please call into school to speak to Miss Wardle.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Wardle, Miss McCord and Miss Farrington
Here are some websites which may be useful to practise Maths and English at home:
Phonics Play
Oxford Reading Buddy
IDL Numeracy
IDL Literacy
TT Rockstars
Supermovers on the BBC
Joe Wicks on Youtube
Classroom Secrets
White Rose Maths
Maths Seeds
Little Wandle
Please find the Parent Guide to our new Phonics programme below.
Year 2 SRE Overview