Year 1



On our class page you will be able to see what topics we are covering during the year. You will be able to access the class  timetable and other useful information. Keep checking the Class Dojo page too for other information.

The Year 1 team consist of: Miss Edwards, who is the class teacher and Miss Heywood who is the teaching assistant. Mrs Quinn will also be teaching the split Maths and English classes and covering PPA. We look forward to an exciting year ahead. 

PE Kits

Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that PE kits are brought in on a Monday for the week ahead and they will be sent home every Friday to be washed. Could we also ask that all PE kit aswell as uniform is labelled. 


In year 1 children will be expected to read at least three times per week. This must be signed for each time in their reading diary and will be checked weekly. Your child will be accessing both the Big Cat Collins Ebooks, where they will be assigned books at their specific level and a shared reading book. All Books will be changed once a week by Miss Heywood or myself. If you are struggling to support your child with their homework then please contact Miss Edwards for support. 

Mathseeds will be set weekly online aswell as spellings. There will be a weekly spelling quiz. 

Please can each child bring in their bookbag daily with reading diaries. 


Please can you send your child in with a labelled water bottle (filled) everyday. Water bottles will be sent home every night to be washed. 

There will also be fruit available for all children at the morning break time. If you wish your child to bring an additional snack then this must be a healthy option- we do not allow crisps or chocolate at snack time.

Please ensure that you order your child's school dinner each day via parent pay.  

Additional Notes

Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat in school or brought in daily as our weather is very unpredictable and the children will be accessing fresh air in all weathers. 


If you have any concerns or questions about your child's education then please contact Miss Edwards.

Many thanks


Miss Edwards & Miss Heywood



Little Wandle
Please find the Parent Guide to our new Phonics programme below.
Here are some websites which may be useful to practice Maths and English at home.
  • Big Cat Collins E books.
  • Oxford Reading Buddy- username and password in the reading diary.
  • Maths seeds (username and password in the reading diary).
  • Supermovers on the BBC
  • Joe Wicks on youtube
  • twinkl
  • Classroom Secrets
  • White Rose Maths-1 minute maths app
  • (advice for parents/phonics and useful videos)
Our English focus book for this half term is The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will be creating work from the book by Mara Alperin and Kate Pankhurst.